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Who am I?
I am a creative that works with found objects, that could be clothing, fabric, or graphics, and like a collage, I try to find ways to put them together. The process is always visible and for me the main part of a project, not the end result. I respond to the found objects in the way that seems logical to me and I dissasemble and reassemble. I look for contrast or similarity between parts. My main inspiration is music, in the way music has different layers which also could be a kind of audio collage. In music, people work with samples for other types of music or sound, and stretch and warp these, sometimes to almost abstraction. This is something I like to do aswell, and the art is for me in trying to still keep the recognizability of an asset while putting it in a entire different context.  

I am currently in my fourth year of Fashion Design, at the HKU, in Utrecht. Projects I did while attending are visible below. I did two years of Applied Philosophy before, also in Utrecht. This was not my calling, but I kept reading about philosophy and applied it to most of the projects I worked on. I think this can be a blessing and a curse. Knowing what you're doing is important, but trusting the process and going with the flow can give way more surprising results, however good self-reflection and self-knowledge is crucial. This method is something I have adapted to doing the last few years.

I also learned this during my internship in 2022-2023, at Voddenmannen by Rens de Waal. Here I worked together with Rens on second hand clothing with defects, disassembled them, and reworked them according to these defects, or other elements of the piece of clothing that grabbed our attention. 


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